Audio Research REF160M & REF160S
Built like no other. Looks like no other. Sounds like no other. Yet unmistakably Audio Research.
Whether you're looking for monoblock amplifiers or a single-chassis solution, Audio Research's REF160 line has the answer in either the REF160M (Mono) or REF160S (Stereo).
The REF160M was the first of the two products to be released, after an arduous two years in development.
The REF160M mono amps include a refined audio topology with fewer components in the signal-path, switchable Ultralinear/Triode operation, proprietary auto-bias, output tube monitoring and protection, and an advanced power meter. All of these features culminate in a better, more reliable, and user-friendly amplifier that is a revolution to the brand.
The most iconic design innovation in the new REF160M is its transparent faceplate, which invites a view of the glowing KT150 vacuum tubes.
Following the example and success of the REF160M, the Reference 160S (REF160S) is a vacuum-tube design with dual transparent power meters that float in front of the eight KT150 output power tubes.
The REF160S continues the feature set introduced in the 160M, including a proprietary auto-bias circuit, switchable Triode or Ultralinear modes of operation, balanced and single-ended inputs, and an output tube monitoring mode. Additionally, the 160S offers a four-layer circuit board, allowing music to emanate from a jet-black background.
As much emphasis is placed on its new flexibility and features, the REF160M and REF160S exist to advance Audio Research's love and understanding of reproduced music. Hearing it for the first time is a startling and energizing musical experience.
Visit Paragon Sight & Sound today for a demo of these extraordinary American-made amplifiers from Audio Research!