11/2 Evening with McIntosh Group 2017
Thursday, November 2nd 6PM - 10PM
You're cordially invited to join us for a special musical event with industry guests representing the brands that comprise the venerable McIntosh Group.
Featured will be McIntosh Labs, Sonus faber, Audio Research, Sumiko, and Wadia. Listen to the latest products and take time to meet the individuals that manage the McIntosh Group.
The following McIntosh Group representatives will be in attendance:
- Jeff Poggi, Co-CEO, McIntosh Group
- Dan Wakefield, Vice-President of Sales, McIntosh Group
- Aldo Filippelli, Audio Research Director of Sales
- Will Klein, Sonus faber Account Manager
- Bart LoPiccolo, Regional Sales Direction, McIntosh Group
- Bob Staples, Regional Sales Manager, Mid-Atlantic & Eastern Midwest, McIntosh Group
An array of beverages, light appetizers, and desserts will be served.
The favor of your RSVP is requested for catering purposes.